Currently Scheduled & Available Talks and Lectures Offered by Dr. Mickle

Talks & Lectures
Dr. Mickle lectures frequently to groups of health care providers, educators, cooks, patients, and health-conscious individuals. Ample time is reserved for questions and dialogue. To schedule a talk with Dr. Mickle, please call 505-699-1172, or email him at [email protected]). There is no charge for presentations to New Mexico community groups and organizations. Below is a selection of available talks and lectures.
1) “Looking Beyond the ‘Cholesterol Number’”
Your cholesterol numbers are only a starting point for determining the health of your arteries. Dr. James Mickle, Jr. MD discusses the advanced lab tests and ultrasound studies that are tragically underused in the diagnosis and treatment of arterial disease. These include: the ApoB test (the strongest indicator of whether or not your cholesterol will penetrate into your arteries); carotid ultrasound (which evaluates the presence and risk of cholesterol accumulation); tests for the presence of LpPLA2 (an enzyme that increases with artery risk), and revealing genetic tests. Cardiac disease would be dramatically reduced by the use of these studies.
Dr. Mickle discusses how statins work, and the flaws of some statin treatments (such as Lipitor, Zocor, simvastatin, Mevacor) and how they can avoided. Statins are great medicines if prudently prescribed. And the best statin is under-prescribed.
Dr. Mickle discusses the overlaps in cause and treatment of two degenerative diseases: artery disease (that can lead to heart attack and stroke) and Alzheimer’s. There are many similarities, including patient’s genetics. Aggressive preventive treatment of one helps prevent the other. Learn about:
5) “Making Friends with Cholesterol”
Dr. Mickle will discuss both the importance of cholesterol as a building block in the body and the ways in which it causes problems. Cholesterol is crucial in repairing our cells, including brain cells, and keeping our hormones and vitamins in balance. Our body’s ability to accumulate and preserve cholesterol developed in eras when food was less abundant, and high-fat foods were scarce. Today we have a surplus of cholesterol in our diets and our bloodstreams…but cholesterol causes problems only when it penetrates into the artery wall! Dr. Mickle considers the consequences to our entire physical system of introducing cholesterol-lowering pharmaceuticals (statins)—what are the potential dangers of lowering cholesterol levels throughout our bodies when it is only pathologic in the blood vessel wall and so critical elsewhere?
6) "Heart Disease in Women--the Crucial Differences"
Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States. Many women mistakenly believe that their hormones provide protection from arterial disease. In fact, women have smaller arteries, which makes them more vulnerable to some diseases of the arteries such as migraines and stroke. A review of how the approach of the cholesterol specialist attends to these vulnerabilities in ways far different from standard care. Discussion of the special circumstances of heart disease in women: it is due less to progressive accumulation of cholesterol and more due to blood vessel inflammation, spasm, and clotting.
7) “Lipidology: Introducing a New Medical Specialty”
Over the past ten years international advances in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of artery disease have led to the development of a new specialty: Lipidology. Lipidologists study lipids, the cholesterol and triglyceride fats that cause vascular disease, and can lead to heart attack and stroke. Research has shown the connection between lipids, diabetes, and blood pressure elevation. Research has also shown new directions for optimal, rather than conventional, care. Learn about:
Cholesterol Studies and Treatment is located at 4 Calle Medico, Suite C, Santa Fe, 87505. Call 505-699-1172, or email Dr. Mickle at [email protected]
Dr. Mickle lectures frequently to groups of health care providers, educators, cooks, patients, and health-conscious individuals. Ample time is reserved for questions and dialogue. To schedule a talk with Dr. Mickle, please call 505-699-1172, or email him at [email protected]). There is no charge for presentations to New Mexico community groups and organizations. Below is a selection of available talks and lectures.
1) “Looking Beyond the ‘Cholesterol Number’”
Your cholesterol numbers are only a starting point for determining the health of your arteries. Dr. James Mickle, Jr. MD discusses the advanced lab tests and ultrasound studies that are tragically underused in the diagnosis and treatment of arterial disease. These include: the ApoB test (the strongest indicator of whether or not your cholesterol will penetrate into your arteries); carotid ultrasound (which evaluates the presence and risk of cholesterol accumulation); tests for the presence of LpPLA2 (an enzyme that increases with artery risk), and revealing genetic tests. Cardiac disease would be dramatically reduced by the use of these studies.
- Dr. Mickle discloses the rarely used labs and ultrasound views that are lifesavers.
- Learn why cholesterol specialists want to visualize your cholesterol build-up and not just check a few labs and guess if you have a problem with your arteries.
Dr. Mickle discusses how statins work, and the flaws of some statin treatments (such as Lipitor, Zocor, simvastatin, Mevacor) and how they can avoided. Statins are great medicines if prudently prescribed. And the best statin is under-prescribed.
- Statins only have about a 30% success rate in halting artery disease. The flaws are now understood and can be avoided.
- The muscle aches of statin medication are serious and real side effects. And they can be avoided!
- Natural supplements and statins can work well together to achieve optimum health.
Dr. Mickle discusses the overlaps in cause and treatment of two degenerative diseases: artery disease (that can lead to heart attack and stroke) and Alzheimer’s. There are many similarities, including patient’s genetics. Aggressive preventive treatment of one helps prevent the other. Learn about:
- The shared causes of Alzheimer’s Disease and artery disease.
- Genetic tests that can serve as an early warning for both, enabling patients and doctors to take proactive, preventive action.
- The science behind the dietary and lifestyle changes that can help prevent both artery and Alzheimer’s disease.
- 4) “Fish Oil, Niacin, and Red Yeast Rice—the Science Behind the Supplements that Can Save Your Arteries”
- How prescription statins developed from Red Yeast Rice.
- Why it is considered malpractice in Italy to discharge cardiac patients from the hospital without Fish Oil.
- Why Niacin is the global artery improver.
- How pharmaceutical companies work to keep you off natural supplements and on prescription medication—for life.
5) “Making Friends with Cholesterol”
Dr. Mickle will discuss both the importance of cholesterol as a building block in the body and the ways in which it causes problems. Cholesterol is crucial in repairing our cells, including brain cells, and keeping our hormones and vitamins in balance. Our body’s ability to accumulate and preserve cholesterol developed in eras when food was less abundant, and high-fat foods were scarce. Today we have a surplus of cholesterol in our diets and our bloodstreams…but cholesterol causes problems only when it penetrates into the artery wall! Dr. Mickle considers the consequences to our entire physical system of introducing cholesterol-lowering pharmaceuticals (statins)—what are the potential dangers of lowering cholesterol levels throughout our bodies when it is only pathologic in the blood vessel wall and so critical elsewhere?
6) "Heart Disease in Women--the Crucial Differences"
Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States. Many women mistakenly believe that their hormones provide protection from arterial disease. In fact, women have smaller arteries, which makes them more vulnerable to some diseases of the arteries such as migraines and stroke. A review of how the approach of the cholesterol specialist attends to these vulnerabilities in ways far different from standard care. Discussion of the special circumstances of heart disease in women: it is due less to progressive accumulation of cholesterol and more due to blood vessel inflammation, spasm, and clotting.
7) “Lipidology: Introducing a New Medical Specialty”
Over the past ten years international advances in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of artery disease have led to the development of a new specialty: Lipidology. Lipidologists study lipids, the cholesterol and triglyceride fats that cause vascular disease, and can lead to heart attack and stroke. Research has shown the connection between lipids, diabetes, and blood pressure elevation. Research has also shown new directions for optimal, rather than conventional, care. Learn about:
- The new focus on treating the whole patient, not the cholesterol number.
- The new focus on keeping cholesterol in your blood flow and out of your blood vessel walls.
- How research has directed new initiatives in diabetes and blood pressure medication that improve artery health, not just diabetes and blood pressure numbers.
Cholesterol Studies and Treatment is located at 4 Calle Medico, Suite C, Santa Fe, 87505. Call 505-699-1172, or email Dr. Mickle at [email protected]